Ways you can help!
Donating NOW! any amount is welcome and will take us a step further. THE FUNDING RECEIVED WILL help us cover: -Transportation -Equipment -Guides into the mountains -Field guides with horses to carry equipment and provisions -Language interpreters (Cabécar and in the future Bribri) -Images for the community -Images for our collaborators -Supplies -Provisions for the team and to share with the community during our encounters -and much more SELF FUNDING has been for years the main way to finance all these photographic trips, all the processing, the printing and the editing. GRANT SUPPORT from the US Embassy 2016 - I am honoured and delighted to announce that the US Embassy is supporting me with a grant for part of this project. NOW we need your help to give us a further boost with the makings of the first book. Spreading the word - share our website with everyone you know all around the world! Giving Media Exposure - to this project. Offering your services - there is a multitude of tasks, including marketing, PR and volunteering for projects also on the field that will benefit greatly from your talents and abilities. Web design & maintenance Social media development & management Connecting us - with schools, universities, education centers, corporations and individuals. Hosting viewings of the TV Reportage - for your friends, for coworkers, for your employees, etc. Setting up an exhibit at your business, at a private or a public place - to showcase the project. Education support - Set up talks and presentations at your local school! |
WHAT OTHERS ARE DOING! Toyota Rent A Car will be showcasing this project to all their costumers in the form of a video presentation that will be featured in all the screens of their Pick Up and Drop Off locations.
This will help us tremendously in magnifying the reach of our project. SPONSORING & CONTRIBUTING
We are always looking for sponsors and collaborators to help us magnify this project! You can help by: - Providing equipment and materials for the project. - Supporting with services. - Referring us for grants. - Doing a TV report about it. - Writing articles for magazines and newspapers about this project. -Doing an interview with us. -Broadcasting the info on a podcast. -Mentioning our project on a Radio and TV Show. DONORS IN FUNDS & ITEMS NEEDED
•María Rivera Heath - CT, USA •Sandra Weimar - Hannover, Germany •Katarina Posch PhD - NYC, USA •Audrey Wells-Kafkallides - La, USA •Nirgun - Costa Rica •Bhuma - Costa Rica •Libby Edwards - NYC, USA •Fred Sullivan - NYC, USA •Laurence Anne Guillem - NYC, USA •Adriana Ramírez Meza - Costa Rica (Video presentation production) •Sotia E. Richardson - La, USA (Branding and logo design attribution) DONORS for support of the dental clinic in Grano de Oro and the January 2017 Photo Expedition •Joanna Hidalgo - Costa Rica •Karine MacKinnon - Canada •Vega Navarro Maldodano - Spain •Familia Valencia-Valero - México •Nury García - Spain •Familia Dominguez - México •Fischel CR - Costa Rica •Gustavo Camacho y Katty Arguedas de C. - Costa Rica •Deborah List - Costa Rica •Daisy Borbón - Costa Rica •Yocasta Navas - Costa Rica •Gabriela Carazo - Costa Rica •Familia Simón-Alvarado - Costa Rica •Diana Jaikel - Costa Rica |
A Window into the Soul - BOOK PROJECT |